Hessa Alsuhail
Doctoral Candidate -Early Childhood Education
Annual Review 2015/2016
During the past academic year, I had the chance to be engaged in some research opportunities related to my interest: teacher education, technology in teaching and learning, and reflective practice. The following is a list of my work:
In Progress:
Alsuhail, H. (2015). A supervisor's journey between two cultures.
In this inquiry, I put myself under the microscope to explore aspects of my identity as a teacher-educator who came to the United States from a different part of the world, from Kuwait. More specifically, I have explored the beliefs and values that were reflected in my new professional role as a university supervisor. I am planning to submit this paper to the journal of Teaching and Teacher Education.
In Review:
Alsuhail, H. (2015). Photography: My third eye. Submitted to The Qualitative Report.
In this paper I tell my story as an educator with photography and the learning opportunities it offered me with. Throughout this paper, connections are made between photography and teaching as well as it's potential to improve the skill of observation.
Conference Presentations:
Alsuhail, H. (2015). A supervisor's journey between two cultures. Presentation at the 3rd Annual USF COEDU Inquiry
Conference at MOSI, Tampa, FL.
Berson, I. R., Berson, M. J., Alsuhail, H., Cross, M. D., Osafo-Acquah, A., Ozel, O., & Bronteng, J. E. (2015). Seeing civics through
visual representation in U.S. and Ghanaian kindergarten classrooms. Presentation at American Education Research
Association conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Alsuhail, H. & Han, H. J. (2014). Kuwaiti student teachers’ perceptions of multicultural education and home-school relationship.
Presentation at the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Dallas, TX.
In addition to the above list, I was also involved in some other work such as drafting my dissertation proposal, which is scheduled to be defended on Aug 25, 2015. My proposal investigates Kuwaiti preservice teachers' experience with video-based reflections. During the past acedemic year, I immersed myself in the literature related to my topic and have started the write-up process.
Moreover, I was part of a research team that have developed a program evaluation proposal. Guided by a collaborative approach, our aim was to investigate the benefits teachers gained from using innovative digital tools donated by a global education company through the Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT).